How Maintenance & Parts Programs Streamline Construction Projects

Date Published: December 16, 2019

Axiom Industrial Equipment Maintenance and Parts Supply

Preventing downtime and meeting project deadlines are paramount to success on industrial construction jobsites.

Preventative Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs are programs setup by industrial equipment suppliers to proactively schedule and perform needed preventative maintenance on your industrial equipment, as well as supply parts so they are ready in the moment they are needed.

Preventative Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs are especially essential for remote jobsites where urban centres and help are hours away and difficult to access.

Learn how Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs help streamline your construction projects.

Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs Prevent Downtime

Preventative Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs help prevent downtime for a number of reasons.

One of the largest contributing factors is because preventative and regularly scheduled industrial equipment maintenance helps prevent equipment from breaking down onsite.

Parts Programs ensure parts are in stock so customers can receive them in a timely manner and aren’t sacrificing uptime while waiting for new parts to arrive.

Customer Managed Inventory (CMI) such as a parts bin setup ensure you always receive replacement parts when you need them, avoiding potential downtime. This proactive schedule ensures you are not panicking to find replacement parts in the moment of equipment failure.

Although it’s hard to nail down an exact number on the cost of downtime annually due to a high number of variable factors, most industry professionals agree that with the cost of equipment, machinery and labour, a single hour of downtime can quickly eat up hundreds of dollars from a construction project’s budget.

Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs Help Equipment Run More Efficiently

Managed maintenance programs ensure you never forget regular service intervals in the busyness of daily operations. Routine maintenance keeps your equipment running longer and more efficiently and can even result in fuel and energy savings.

Managed maintenance and parts programs also ensure you get the highest rate of return at the end of your equipment’s life/when your project ends because your equipment remains well maintained and cared for.

Additionally, a well managed maintenance and parts program provides concise equipment maintenance records and documentation – a great selling feature for when you decide to sell or upgrade your industrial construction equipment.

Additional Steps You Can Take to Streamline your Construction Projects

In addition to setting up a Preventative Managed Maintenance and Parts Program, other efforts you can undertake to help streamline your construction projects include:

  • Take part in Equipment Application and Operational Training to equip your team with onsite equipment troubleshooting skills to supplement your Managed Maintenance and Parts Program
  • For remotely located operations, stocking up on extra items such as filters, fluids, service kits etc. can help you avoid downtime – don’t underestimate the ability of small roadblocks hampering your productivity
  • Attract and retain a strong industrial construction team where safety is a top priority – not only are adverse safety events unfortunate, they also have a negative domino effect on project timelines
  • Utilize vendor-managed and consignment inventory from a trusted equipment supplier – that way backup equipment is always available in the unfortunate event that your industrial light tower, generator or heater malfunctions onsite

Taking part in a Preventative Managed Maintenance and Parts Programs allows you to successfully prevent downtime and supports your industrial equipment running more efficiently onsite.

Having piece of mind knowing your equipment won’t act up onsite due to preventable maintenance issues is priceless and allows you to focus your time where you need it the most – on your operations!

“I would like to express my appreciation to your group for going above and beyond whenever we required any service due to breakdown of your equipment. With that being said, there were very few instances where we had any issues. Your group serviced K + S Site greatly and was willing to help us out in a very critical pathway. Again, I would like to thank your group!”

– Barry Hiebert, Project Manager, Park Derochie

At Axiom Equipment Group, we have a large and diverse parts inventory to accompany our large fleet of high quality site equipment. Our team of experienced technicians are qualified to service equipment beyond our own fleet and the brands we supply. Let our team handle the sourcing logistics and equipment service so you don’t have to. Maximize your uptime with our Managed Maintenance and Parts Program today!

Axiom Equipment Group’s team has decades of combined experience in equipment rental, sales and service. Working with other internationally accredited organizations, we have the unique ability to provide on-demand products for sale and rent. With our large fleet of new, reliable, well-maintained site equipment, we can meet large project demands quickly and supply quality industrial equipment for smaller projects cost-effectively. 

At Axiom Equipment Group, we believe in ZERO DOWNTIME so much that we stand behind it with a unique iron clad promise that combines a reliable equipment fleet with a rapid response program, around-the-clock availability, expert service and a financing option to fit every budget. Gain peace of mind knowing that if your equipment breaks down, we have the inventory to repair and replace it on the fly!

Learn More About Axiom's Managed Maintenance and Parts Program